Tv műsor - 1995. március 4. - Szombat

Biology: Human Digestive System

Energy System
Human Digestive System

Structure and functions of digestive organs: Digestive system of man consists of alimentary canal and digestive glands. Alimentary canal is a long tube of varying diameter of about 8 to 10 metres in length. It is divided into following parts:

Mouth: It is a transverse slit bounded by two soft movable lips which are covered by skin.

Vestibule: It is the narrow space enclosed between the lips and cheeks externally and the gums and teeth internally, and leads into oral cavity. Its lining contains mucous glands.

Oral or buccal cavity: It is a large space bounded above by palate that separates oral cavity from nasal chamber, below by throat and on the sides by the jaws. The throat supports tongue while jaws bear teeth.

Palate: It is of hard palate and soft palate. Hard palate is supported by bones and bears transverse ridges called rugae, which keep the food in place during mastication. Soft palate is the posterior part of the palate and its smooth surface makes swallowing easy. The posterior free end of it hangs down as a small flap, the uvula or velum palate that closes internal nares during swallowing of food bolus.

Tongue: It is a large, muscular, highly mobile structure that lies at the floor of buccal cavity. Posteriorly it is attached to floor of buccal cavity by a soft ligamentous fold, the frenulum. Structurally tongue is skeletal muscle covered by mucous membrane that secretes mucus to keep the tongue moist. Its dorsal surface is marked by a V-shaped furrow, the sulcus terminalis, and also bears lingual papillae which are of three types, viz. filiform papillae are thread-like and distributed over the anterior two-third of the tongue, fungiform papillae are mushroom-shaped and are more numerous near the edges of tongue and circumvallate papillae form an inverted V at the posterior part of tongue. The sides of fungiform and circumvallate papillae bears taste buds and the taste buds located near tip of the tongue taste for sweet, those present on sides taste for sour and salt, and those on the posterior part of tongue for bitter taste.

Function of tongue:

(i)   Helps in ingestion.
(ii)  Taste the food.
(iii) Mixes saliva with food and makes food soft and slippery for chewing.
(iv) Moves food in buccal cavity during chewing.
(v)  Turns chewed food into a spherical mass called bolus.
(vi) Helps in speech.

Teeth: Teeth develop by ossification in the mucous membrane of buccal cavity along the ridge of the jaw. The teeth in human are of following types:
(i)     Thecodont, i.e., are fastened in the sockets of the jaw bones.
(ii)   Diphyodont, i.e., develop twice. Twenty deciduous teeth develop in the baby and are called milk teeth. These are replaced later between the ages of 6-13, except for the last molar called wisdom teeth that appears after the age of 18 years.
(iii)  Heterodont, i.e., of various shapes, size and structure adapted for different functions.

The arrangement of permanent teeth can be represented by dental formula:

Tonsils: These are two oval patches one on either side in the posterior part of buccal cavity. These contain groups of white blood corpuscles held in place by a thin tough covering. Lymphocytes are formed in the tonsils and remove micro-organisms that enter buccal cavity with food.

Pharynx: It is the cavity behind the soft palate about 12-14 cm, conical in shape where food and air passages cross each other. It has the following openings: two nasal openings or internal nares, two openings of Eustachian tubes, opening of oesophagus the gullet, the opening of larynx or trachea the glottis and the opening of buccal cavity into pharynx. Pharynx is divided into three parts, viz., nasopharynx lies behind the nasal chambers and has internal nares in its roof, oval-shaped openings of Eustachian canals on the sides, and two bodies of lymphoid tissue called pharyngeal tonsils in children up to the age of seven years; oropharynx lies behind the buccal cavity and is the passage for food-bolus; and laryngopharynx is the lowermost part of pharynx and has two apertures-anterior slit-like glottis and posterior gullet. Glottis is closed during swallowing of food bolus by a leaf-like cartilage, the epiglottis.

Oesophagus: It is a muscular tube about 10 inches (25cm) long and passes food down by peristaltic movements of its muscular wall. Its opening into the stomach is surrounded by a ring of muscle called cardiac sphincter.

Stomach: It is an elongated sac that lies below the diaphragm in the upper part of abdominal cavity along with the liver lobes. The greater part of stomach lies towards the left. Stomach is divided into three parts, viz., (i) Cardiac part is the left broad upper part into which oesophagus opens by cardiac aperture or cardia. The cardiac sphincter present around it checks regurgitation of food, and in infant it is not well developed and hence regurgitation is common. (ii) Fundus is the upper projected part of cardiac stomach. (iii) Corpus or body is the main, middle part of the stomach. (iii) Pyloric part is the lower narrow part of stomach which opens into the duodenum by pyloric aperture which is guarded by a pyloric sphincter that prevents predigested food to enter the duodenum.
The inner surface or mucosa of stomach is raised into a large number of longitudinal folds called gastric rugae that dilate the stomach to store the food and also increase surface area for digestion.

Functions of stomach:

(i)   It stores food until is partially digested.
(ii)  It secretes gastric juice to aid in digestion.
(iii) It churns food into a fine pulp and mixes gastric juice.
(iv) Water and soluble foods such as sugar, alcohol and certain drugs are absorbed by stomach wall.
(v)  Its acid kills bacteria that enter it along with food.
(vi) It produces hormone gastrin in pyloric stomach that stimulates secretion of gastric juice by gastric glands.
(vii) It produces intrinsic factor that helps in the absorption of vitamin B12.

Small intestine: It is 6 metres or 20 feet long tube of approximately 2.5 cm or 1 inch diameter. It lies coiled in the abdominal cavity and is divided into three parts. (i) Duodenum is the first part of intestine, about 25 cm long and U-shaped in appearance. Its descending limb receives of hepato-pancreatic duct formed by the union of  bile duct and pancreatic duct. (ii) Jejunum is about 2.5 metres long and narrower than duodenum. (iii) Ileum is about 3.5 metres, forms the largest part of small intestine.
Functions of small intestine:
(i)   Completes digestion and absorbs the digested food.
(ii)   Secrets hormones like cholecystokinin, secretin, enterogastrone, duocrinin, enterocrinine and villikinin that control the secretion of pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal juice.

Large intestine (Colon): It is wider than small intestine and about 1.5-1.8 metres long and 6 cm in diameter. It is divided into three parts. (i) Caecum is connected to ileum and opening of ileum into it is controlled by ileocaecal valve that permits food to move into the large intestine but not back into the small intestine. From caecum arises a worm-like blind tube called vermiform appendix and is a vestigial organ in man. Infection of appendix leads toappendicitis. (ii) Colon is inverted U-shaped tube, divided into four parts namely ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon. (iii) Rectum is the 15 cm long terminal tube that opens to the exterior by anus. Anus is guarded by two (internal and external) sphincter muscles.

Functions of large intestine:

(i)   Absorption of water from food.
(ii)  Secretion of mucous.

(iii) Egestion of undigested waste matter

Structure and functions of digestive glands: These associated glands secrete digestive juices for the digestion of food and they are of following types:

(i) Salivary glands: It has three types. (i) Parotid glands are the largest salivary glands that lie on the sides of the face just below and in front of the ears. Viral infection of parotid glands, causing swelling and pain, is  called mumps. (ii) Sublingual glands lie under the front part of the tongue and sublingual ducts also open under the tongue. (iii) Submaxillary glands lie at the angles of the lower jaw and submaxillary ducts open under the tongue.

Functions of salivary glands is to secrete saliva which is watery, alkaline, fluid formed of 98-99% water, 0.2% salts, mucus and a starch splitting enzyme ptyalin. Daily 1-1.5 litres of saliva is secreted and its pH is 6.8.

a. Ptyaline hydrolyses starch into maltose.
b. Mucus present in saliva mixes with food and makes it soft and viscous to be easily masticated by grinders.
c. Enzyme polysaccharidase present in saliva destroys bacteria. Lysozyme acts as an anti- bacterial agent.

(ii) Gastric glands: These are numerous, simple or branched tubular glands present in the mucosa of the stomach and have the following types of cells:chief or peptic (zymogen) cells which secrete two proenzymes pepsinogen and prorennin, and enzymes gastric lipase and gastric lipase.
Oxyntic (parietal) cells secrete HCl and Castle’s intrinsic factor that helps in the absorption of Vitamin B12 . Goblet cells secrete mucus; and Argentaffin cells secrete Serotonin, a vasoconstrictor.
Endocrine cells or G cells secretes Gastrin, the hormone which stimulate secretion of enzymes and HCl.

All these juices collectively form gastric juices and daily secretion is 2-3 litres per day. The pH of gastric juice is 1.2-1.8 and HCl forms about 0.05 to 0.3 percent of it.

(iii) Intestinal glands: These are numerous, microscopic glands present in the mucosa of small intestine between the villi. These are of two types, viz., (i) Crypts of Lieberkuhn are multicellular, simple, straight, tubular glands present throughout the mucosa of small intestine between villi. These secrete digestive enzymes and mucus. (ii) Brunner’s glands are compound tubular glands which are found only in the sub-mucosa of duodenum. These secrete alkaline watery juice.
The secretions of both the glands collectively are called intestinal juice or succus entericus (pH 8.3) and secrete about 1 litre daily.It contains enzymes maltase, isomaltase, sucrose,lactase,α-dextrinase,limit dextrinase,enterokinase, aminopeptidase, dipeptidase,nucleotidase, intestinal lipase etc.

(iv) Liver: It is a reddish-brown multi-lobed gland and weighs about 1.5 kg. It is formed of larger right lobe, smaller left lobe, small quadrate and caudate lobes. Each liver lobe has numerous pentagonal or hexagonal hepatic lobules . It contains numerous interlobular blood vessels and interlobular bile ducts. Gall bladder is a thin walled, pear-shaped sac present on the lower surface of the right liver lobe and stores bile secreted by liver.

Functions of liver are

(i)    Secretion of bile: It is yellowish or reddish-brown in colour, alkaline (pH 7-8.6) and bitter liquid that contains bile salts (sodium taurocholate, sodium glycocholate and sodium bicarbonate) and bile pigments (bilirubin and biliverdin).Bile carries numerous functions like stopping action of gastric juice, making the chime(partially digested food that comes into duodenum) alkaline for the action of pancreatic juice, emulsification of fat by bile salts, removal of excretory material (bile pigments from liver) absorption of vitamin K and inducing peristaltic movement in wall of intestine.

(ii)   Metabolism of glucose: Glycogenesis is conversion of excess glucose in blood into  glycogen to be stored  in liver cells; glycogenolysis is hydrolysis of glycogen into glucose; glyconeogenesis is synthesis of glucose from amino acids or fatty acids and glycerol whenever needed by the body.

(iii)  Synthesis and storage of fat: Lipogenesis is conversion of excess glucose into fats to be stored in adipose tissue. β–oxidation is denaturation of fatty acids and phosphorylation of fats in liver cells.

(iv)   Deamination of proteins: Excess amino acids undergo deamination producing                pyruvic acid and ammonia.

(v)    Synthesis of urea: Ammonia produced in liver cell is converted to urea (Kreb’s              ornithine-arginine cycle).

(vi)   Synthesis of vitamin A from carotene and storage of vitamins A, B12 E and D.

(vii)  Synthesis of albumin from amino acids.

(viii) Formation of blood proteins like prothrombin and fibrinogen.

(ix)   Phagocytosis of dead RBCs by Kupffer cells and breakdown of haemoglobin                 into bilirubin and biliverdin.

(x)    Produce heparin, an enzyme which prevents clotting of blood inside the blood                           vessels.
(xi)   Formation of RBCs during foetal development.

(xii)  Detoxification: Liver cells either inactivate the toxic substances like cresol,                               carbolic acid
         etc., (produced by intestinal bacteria) or convert them into non-toxic substances.                 Also prussic acid produced during metabolism is converted into non-toxic substance.

(xiii) Liver is the centre of heat production.

(xiv) Storage of inorganic substances like iron and copper.

(xv)  Manufactures lymph.

(v)    Pancrease: It is diffused leaf-shaped compound gland formed of exocrine part and endocrine part. (i) The exocrine part is formed of lobules or acini held together in connective tissue. Each acinus is formed of single layer of large glandular acinous cells that manufacture pancreatic juice containing enzymes trypsinogen (inactive trypsin), chymotrypsinogen (inactive chymotrypsin) and procarboxypeptidase.

(ii) The endocrine part is represented by patches of cells in exocrine part called islets of Langerhans formed of two types of cells, viz., α-cells that produce glucagon that induce conversion of glycogen into glucose in liver cells, causes release of glucose in blood and elevation of blood sugar level; β-cells that produce insulin that promotes formation of glycogen from glucose for storage in liver and muscle cells, and reduce blood sugar level.Deficiency of insulin causes Diabetes Mellitus.

Physiology of digestion

Animals exhibit holozoic nutrition. The process involves the following steps:
Ingestion:  Intake of food through mouth.

Deglutition (swallowing): It is the movement of bolus from oral cavity to stomach passing through pharynx and oesophagus.

Digestion: The process by which the complex food materials are changed to simple molecules by the action of digestive juices.

Absorption by intestinal wall and transported to blood stream.

Assimilation: it is the process of utilization of absorbed nutrients by the body cells for energy and synthesis of new protoplasm for growth and repair.

Egestion (defecation): The process of rid of undigested food matter through anus.  


During digestion, carbohydrates are hydrolysed into glucose, proteins into amino acids and fat molecules into fatty acids and glycerol.
Mechanical digestion: It includes movement of food along the digestive track, breaking solid food into minute particles and churning of food for proper mixing of enzymes.
Chemical digestion includes hydrolysis of food molecules with the help of enzymes.

Digestion in buccal cavity

A small part (about 30%) of starch is hydrolysed into Maltose, Isomaltose and α-dextrines by the action of salivary amylase (ptyaline) present in the saliva.

Digestion in stomach

In the stomach, food mixes with gastric juice secreted by the gastric gland. Gastric juice contains Mucus, HCl, pepsinogen, prorennin and a small amount of lipase.

HCl softens and disinfects food, stops the action of salivary amylase and activates pepsinogen and prorennin.

No carbohydrate digestion in stomach as carbohydrate enzymes are absent in stomach.

Digestion of proteins in stomach:

In acidic medium, Pepsinogen is activated into pepsin. It catalyse hydrolysis of protein into proteoses and peptones. Pepsin also helps in coagulation of milk viz. hydrolyses milk protein, casein into paracasein and whey protein. Paracasein is precipitated as calcium paracaseinate to form solid curd.
In infants enzyme Prorennin catalyses coagulation of milk.

Digestion of fats in stomach: a small amount of gastric lipase is produced in the stomach which hydrolyses fat into fatty acid and glycerol. Lipase is soon destroyed by HCl present in gastric juice.
The thick acidic mixture of gastric juice and semi digested food formed in the stomach is called chyme.

Digestion in small intestine

Bile and pancreatic juice are poured in to the chyme when it passes from stomach into duodenum.
Bile neutralize HCl of chyme (by its Sodium carbonate salt) and makes it alkaline.
Digestion of fat: Bile salts break down fat molecules into very small micelles (emulsification of fat) and activate pancreatic lipase and intestinal lipase. In duodenum, pancreatic lipase hydrolyses emulsified fat into triglycerides, diglycerides and mono glycerides and then to fatty acids and glycerol which are the end product of fat digestion.

Digestion of carbohydrate:

1. In duodenum, pancreatic amylase catalyses the remaining starch into disaccharides.

2. In ileum, disaccharidases ( maltase, isomaltase,sucrose, lactase, dextrinase) present in intestinal juice carry out final digestionof disaccharides into monosaccharides.

                                      α-Dextrins     α-Dextrinase           Glucose

Digestion of proteins:

1.      By pancreatic juice in duodenum
a. Trypsinogen is activated to trypsin by enterokinase present in intestinal juice. It catalyses hydrolysis of proteins into peptides.

b. Chymotrypsinogen is activated to chymotrypsin by tripsin. It also catalyses hydrolysis of proteins into peptides.

c. Procarboxypeptidase is activated by trypsin to carboxypeptidases. These enzymes act on the carboxylic end of poly peptide and removes single aminoacids.

2.    by intestinal juice in ileum

                              I.            Dipeptidase hydrolyses dipeptides into amino acids.
                             II.            Aminopeptidase hydrolyses terminal peptide bond from the amino end and remove amino acids one by one.

Endopeptidases and exopeptidases:

Endopeptidase or endoproteinase are proteolytic peptidases that break peptide bonds of nonterminal amino acids (i.e. within the molecule).eg. pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin.
An exopeptidase is any peptidase that catalyzes the cleavage of the terminal (or the penultimate) peptide bond; the process releases a single amino acid or dipeptide from the peptide chain. exopeptidase is further classified as an aminopeptidase or a carboxypeptidase. An aminopeptidase will cleave a single amino acid from the amino terminal, whereas carboxypeptidase will cleave a single amino acid from the carboxylic end of the peptide.

What happens to a starchy part of meal from the time it is eaten till it is made available to body tissue. [3,00]

Ans. The changes that take place to a starchy part of a meal from the time it is eaten till it is made available to body tissues are:
(i)                 In buccal cavity salivary amylase or ptyalin hydrolyses about 30% of starch into maltose, isomaltose, and small dextrins in almost neutral or slightly alkaline medium.
(ii)               In stomach gastric juice does not contain any carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes and also HCl in it prevents ptyalin activity, hence no digestion of starch or its products occurs.
(iii)             In duodenum part of small intestine the pancreatic amylase or amylopectin present in pancreatic juice hydrolyzes remainder of starch into maltose, isomaltose and dextrin.
(iv)             In jejunum and ileum part of small intestine the intestinal juice, saccus entericus, containing different carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes hydrolyzes maltose to glucose, isomaltase to glucose and dextrin, dextrin to glucose by maltase, isomaltase and α–dextrinase respectively. (Sucrose to glucose and fructose, and lactose to glucose and galactose by sucrase and lactase respectively also occur here.)
The monosaccharide so formed are absorbed by intestinal walls and then circulated through blood and then made available to the tissues.

9.Differentiate between renin and rennin
Ans. Renin is produced in kidney and catalyzes synthesis of angiotensin.
While Rennin is produced in gastric glands in ruminant mammals meant for coagulation of milk.

Hormonal regulation of digestive juices:

The secretion of digestive juices is regulated by nervous, mechanical and chemical (hormonal) stimuli. Regulation of different digestive juices is given below:

(i) Secretion of saliva is controlled by reflex mechanism (nervous stimuli) where chemical, mechanical, olfactory or visual stimuli are carried to the salivatory nuclei in the posterior part of medulla.

(ii) Secretion of gastric juice has three phases controlled by nervous and chemical excitations.
(a) Cephalic phase is under nervous control influenced by both unconditioned and conditioned reflexes. The taste of food (unconditioned reflex), the sight, smell or even thought of food (conditioned reflex) stimulate secretion of gastric juices even before the food enters the stomach and hence called appetite juice.
(b) Gastric phase where entry of products of protein digestion into stomach stimulates mucosa of pyloric stomach to release a hormone gastrin into the blood capillaries of stomach. Release of gastrin can be also made by distension of stomach due to presence of food. Gastrin accelerates the secretion of gastric juices by gastric glands.
(c) Intestinal phase is where entry of chyme containing fat components stimulates intestinal mucosa to secrete enterogastrone hormone which on entry into blood and reaching stomach inhibits the secretory activity of gastric glands and also influences the gastric motility.

(iii) Secretion of pancreatic juice is both under nervous and hormonal control. Nervous control includes the reflexes caused by seeing or tasting food where secretory cells of pancreas are excited by acetylcholine released at the nerve endings of vagus nerve fibres. While, hormonal control involves stimulation of duodenal mucosa to liberate hormone secretin and pancreozymin (cholecystokinin) by the acid and fat components of chyme entering it from stomach. Two hormones reach pancreas via hepatic portal system. Secretin stimulates intralobular cells of pancreas to secrete watery portion of pancreatic juice and bicarbonates, while cholecystokinin stimulates acinous cells to secrete pancreatic juice.

(iv) Secretion of Bile Juice is exclusively under chemical control where cholecystokinin released by duodenal mucosa when stimulated by entry of amino acids into it brings about contraction of gall bladder and relaxation of sphincter of Oddi thereby allowing the passage of bile juice into the duodenum.

(v) Secretion of Intestinal juice by intestinal mucosa is more or less continuous but it is considerably increased during digestion. It is under both mechanical and chemical control. The food material stimulates the local sense organs Meissner’s plexus that leads to release of intestinal juice. While hormone enterocrinin secreted by intestinal mucosa induces increased production of digestive enzymes. Secretin also plays some role in stimulation of intestinal mucosa.

Absorption of digested food:

Absorption is the process by which nutrient molecules are taken into the cells of a living organism. It occurs mainly in small intestine by villi on its inner surface along with microvilli on the free surface of the intestinal epithelium, which provide enormous surface area for absorption.

(i) Absorption of carbohydrates. Essentially all carbohydrates are absorbed in the form of monosaccharides mainly as glucose directly into the blood stream and then carried to liver where they are stored as glycogen.

(ii) Absorption of proteins. Proteins are absorbed as amino acids directly into the blood stream and carried to different tissues where they become part of the metabolic pool.

(iii) Absorption of fats. Fats are mostly absorbed in the duodenum and jejunum in human beings. Fatty acids with chain length less upto 10 carbon atoms are primarily absorbed through the blood capillaries, while larger ones are absorbed through lymphatic route. Since monoglycerides, diglycerides, and fatty acids are insoluble in water, they are first incorporated into small, spherical, water-soluble droplets called micelles with the help of bile salts and absorbed. Absorbed micelles are accumulated in the spaces of the endoplasmic reticulum of mucosal cells and are subsequently discharged into intercellular spaces of villi.  There they are synthesized into fats and are released in the form of droplets called chilomicrons into the lymph contained in the lacteals (lacteals are network of lymph capillaries in the centre of each villi and are surrounded by blood capillaries).

Absorption can occur by simple diffusion (fatty acids and glycerol, electrolytes vitamins etc),facilitated diffusion( fructose),cotransport( glucose and galactose, amionoacids with Na+ ions), and active transport (aminoacids,glucose, galactose)

 Q. Give one function of lacteals .
Ans. It absorbs chilomicrons from intestinal villi.

11. Give one function of microvilli.
Ans. They increase surface area and enhance absorption capacity of intestine.

Assimilation of digested food:

Assimilation is anabolic process by which simple nutrients absorbed are utilized to resynthesize the complex bio-molecules like proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids inside cells. Assimilation of principal nutrients are given below:

(i) Amino acids. Most amino acids are used in protein synthesis in the cellular ribosomes and these proteins act as structural proteins that help in growth and repair of body tissue or act as enzymes to control metabolism. Some amino acids are changed into glucose by gluconeogenesis for use as respiratory fuel. Excess amino acids are changed into urea by liver using ornithine cycle.

(ii) Monosaccharides. Most of glucose acts as the respiratory fuel and provides energy for metabolism while some are changed into amino acids and fats. Excess of glucose is converted into glycogen and stored in liver cells and muscle cells by glycogenesis.

(iii) Fats. Most of fats are used in for the formation of bio-membranes while some are used as respiratory fuels. Excess fat is stored in liver, bones and adipose tissue.
