Lost Mechanics: Morale

'Forgiving you is a gift to you, moving on is my gift to myself'

I've been going through such a change lately. There's nothing physically or materially different but I feel like i'm going through a spiritual cleanse. I don't know if it's a quarter life crisis or if it's a healthy progression, preparing me for my next lesson or journey.

The word change fills me with fear. Change is different, change is the unknown. I have always struggled to venture outside of my comfort zone because I've never wanted to sacrifice what I already have. But life is made up of changes, good and bad and sometimes you have no say in the matter.

I recently witnessed a betrayal which had an eye opening ripple effect. Their disloyalty was carefully shrouded in denial and secrecy in attempts to cure their guilty conscience . They span a false tale of innocence, disregarding their actions and their victim's feelings entirely. They began to believe their own lie, and so did the people around them. The victim was understandably left feeling deceived and lost. First came grief, then came anger but then arrived liberty. Like a phoenix who dies before they are reborn, the victim reinvented themselves from the ashes of  destruction. They started to remember their dreams and ambitions and truly began to feel at one with themselves.

They reminded me that sometimes a change is needed in order to complete your own life path. Sometimes, without even realising it, you outgrow people and situations which end up holding you back. If you grow too comfortable doing the wrong thing, something will happen to force a change. 
Everything happens for a reason, it's hard, but in order to move on from a tough situation, you need to focus on the positive.

Recently I've cut people out of my life, people i thought would be around forever, but not because I didn't want them there, it was because I realised that we just wasn't on the same level anymore. Things were different, we had different morals and views .
'Treat other how you wish to be treated yourself' is a healthy baseline for a friendship or relationship. But recently I was hurt by people I thought I could trust, it was a nastiness that brought me right back to the school playground, a young mentality I've desperately tried to move on from. I felt upset, angry and anxious of what will become of us or how I could overcome the situation until I realised that it didn't have to be this way, I didn't have to make excuses for them or fix anything, I didn't have to feel like I was 16 again desperate to keep my friends. So I closed that book and decided to let those people continue with their self destructive behaviour because I do believe that what goes around comes around.

Breaking up from any relationship is hard, but we all have to make a healthy decision. If this person causes you grief, or makes you feel bad in any way, then you need to assess if this person is a positive energy or negative energy in your life. Don't let people manipulate you! Quite often when somebody hurts you, but doesn't want to admit to it, they become defensive and will turn it around to make you feel like you're the one in the wrong which causes you to question yourself, let them back in and begin a destructive cycle. We can't live positive lives surrounded by negativity.
Hold on to your family and friends who have always shown you love and loyalty, but don't make excuses for those who have hurt you or the people around you.

