First Day Of School Sign

Branded on My Heart ~ Closing Thoughts

Greetings Dear Reader,

There is not a day that I do not think about and pray for my children.  I do not get to see any of them as often as I wish.  They are, however, branded on my heart.  They are precious to me. 

Those I know and encounter must also have a mark on my heart.  They have left it there and I will not erase it.  I will not fail to love them even if I fail to show it well.  It is in tending the flame of my love for others and sharing its warmth with them that I can demonstrate my love for the Father. 

The line that I began this thinking with is from a song called Thigpen’s Wedding by Kemper Crabb.   Springing from that is my thought that on a spiritual level we can find deep and abiding love.  We can love each other with passion and intensity.  It is possible to lead with love in all matters if we choose to do so.  We can become people who love first and always. 

My friend Tripp gave me a tag I keep on my laptop bag.  Most of you remember the WWJD craze from some years ago.  What would Jesus do?  The tag Tripp gave me, HWLF means He would love first.   The paving stones for the road home are all to be made of love.  We begin internally by disciplining our hearts and minds to love always.  We build on that a selflessness that makes us unoffendable.  Then we are able to turn outward and demonstrate that nothing matters more than others finding and embracing the love of the Father. 

 As I move into the year, I will fully arm my mind to love first.  I will defend against offenses, not allowing them purchase to withhold love and compassion.  I will add to this learning to live peaceably with all humans.  The year will be committed to building peace on top of my love and compassion.  This will mean that I cannot afford to take up offenses.  I must not engage in foolish arguments or try to change the way others treat me. 

I must learn to be at peace with the way things are unless I can show love or kindness to mitigate the problem.  The world will not be at peace until the Prince of Peace returns to make it so.  In the meantime, I do what I must to “live peaceably with all.”   I do not have to compromise my beliefs to do this.  Accepting what is wrong is not necessary.  Realizing that my first response must be one of peace based on love is the key for me.  You are welcome to join me on a journey of peace, Dear Reader.  In this quest lies the power to forgive, to heal, and to love others more deeply.  Loving first becomes the path to peace if we allow it.  I will, therefore, seal the brands on my heart with peace.

Wishing you joy in the journey,

Aramis Thorn

Mat 13:52 So Jesus said to them, "That is why every writer who has become a disciple of Christ’s rule of the universe is like a homeowner. He liberally hands out new and old things from his great treasure store.”

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Every human story is part of the great story that leads to the Father getting everything back to Good.

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“As much as is in you, live peaceably with all…”
