Lost Mechanics: Morale

The Last Leaf


The last leaf is a touching story of how a painter inspires a girl to live and in the process, loses his life.


Two friends Sue and Johnsy live together in a rented apartment. Johnsy contracts pneumonia and loses her desire to live. She announces that she would die when the last leaf fell off the ivy creeper that could be seen from the room’s window. When the last leaf falls off, their neighbour, Mr. Behrman goes out in the storm to paint one. This gives hope to Johnsy. On the other hand, Mr. Behrman contracts pneumonia and dies.


Pneumonia: a disease caused due to the infection of the lungs

Gazing: looking

Feeble: weak

janitor= caretaker of a building

Think about it (Page 48)

1. What is Johnsy’s illness? What can cure her, the medicine or the willingness to live?

Johnsy, a young artist, was ill. She was suffering from pneumonia. Later on she got a misconception that she would die as soon as the last leaf on the creeper falls down. In this situation, the medicine had no effect on her. Her willingness to live could cure her.

2. Do you think the feeling of depression Johnsy has is common among teenagers?

Yes, I think that the feeling of depression Johnsy has is common among teenagers. Teenagers have several misconceptions and self-doubts. If anything goes against their wish, they lose hope and feel depressed. Teenagers have to take things positively and get over their depression.

3. Behrman has a dream. What is it? Does it come true?

Behrman had a dream to paint a masterpiece in his life. He had been waiting for the opportunity to make his dream a reality. Yes, he could make his dream come true when he painted the last leaf of the ivy creeper on the wall.

4. What is Behrman’s masterpiece? What makes Sue say so?

Behrman’s painting of the ivy leaf on the wall was his masterpiece. He risked his life in paining it. It was so natural that Johnsy thought it to be a real leaf. That concept saved the life of Johnsy. The painter saved the life of another painter by painting a life-like leaf. That is why Sue called it as Behrman’s masterpiece.

Talk about it (Page 48)

1. Have you ever felt depressed and dejected? How did you overcome such feelings? Share your experience with your classmates.

Yes. I felt depressed and dejected when I could not score good marks in the final examination of Class VIII. I was one of the top-ranking students. I was sure that I would get the highest marks in the class. Unfortunately, a month before the final examination, I suffered from severe typhoid. It continued for 15 days. I became weak and could not prepare properly for the exam. As a result, I got the lowest marks in the class. But my parents and teachers consoled me and gave me courage to face the reality. They told me that it can happen to anyone. I came out of the depression with the help of my friends, teachers and parents.
