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BSc BA ADP English Essay Corruption in Pakistan With Outline & Quotations

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BSc BA FSc ICS FA ICom English Essay Corruption in Pakistan

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1. Introduction

  • Corruption is the mother of all evils
  • Corruption in private and Govt. offices

2. Evils of corruption

  • Corruption breeds vices in society
  • In Pakistan, corruption has become the way of life

3. Corruption in the history of Pakistan

  • Past and present leaders are involved in corruption
  • Corruption among the ruling parties

4. Suggestions to eradicate corruption

  • Anti-corruption commission should be established
  • Trial of corrupt people and feudalism must be abolished

5. Conclusion


"Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it's set rolling it must increase". (Charles Caleb)

Corruption is the mother of all evils. In our country, corruption is just like the oil that makes the wheels of the government run. Corruption has been around for so long and has grown so wild and widespread that society has started to accept it as normal and those involved in it do not feel any sense of guilt.

Corruption breeds and promotes all other conceivable vices in society. It not only ruins the institutions and the system, but also brings about deterioration and decadence in the characters of people. Much of our civil servants have been dismissed on corruption charges, but no one has yet been punished for being corrupt. Corruption has become a way of life and acquired a new meaning and respect in Pakistan.

In Pakistan, corruption has become a way of life. Every government, since the regime of Ayub Khan was patronised and promoted corruption. At present,  corruption is an art practiced and patronised by every haughty and mighty in Pakistan. It is being pursued most dishonourably without any fear and accountability by the powerful and influential people. Today, unfortunately, the pace of corruption is promoted by the very leader who claims that his first and foremost duty is to combat and eradicate it. The long and strong hands of corruption seem to spare ni sector, whether it is small or big.

A corrupt society cannot survive definitely, for it is against the law of nature. When corruption becomes a way of life, nothing goes right. Even dispensation of justice ceases to exist. Corruption either of past or present is equally punishable under all laws.

"To oppose corruption in government is the highest obligation of patriotism". (G. Edward Griffin)

In order to contain the bargaining corruption triumphantly, the following suggestions are penned down. Firstly, an independent anti-corruption commission should be established. Secondly, the process of enforcing accountability must be decentralised and spread through the institutional spectrum. Thirdly, the government must progress beyond arrests and allegations. The trials must begin without any delay and charges must be proved in the courts of laws. Fourthly, the present political system based and entrenched on feudalism and feudals should be completely demolished. Lastly, the real solution is real democracy, decentralization of power, more autonomy and maximum participation of the masses through honest political institutions. Moreover, as a Muslim, we should follow the saying of the Holy Prophet. (PBUH) 

"Bribe-gier and bribe-taker are both doomed for hell". (Anonymous)
