Lost Mechanics: Morale

Best Companies To Purchase Your Crypto Mining Hardware

Will crypto mining be profitable for you?

This is a question that haunts most beginners at their start of the mining journey. Though there are several calculators that can make your job of understanding the mining prospects easier, in true earnest profitability is directly linked with your mining hardware’s efficiency.

Better your hardware, more will be the coins mined in a shorter time and with consumption of lesser electricity.

And of course, you would also want the entire process to be as less noisy as possible. Not to mention that the rigs should cool faster and have a good router.

Like a plethora of crypto mining platforms available to users to choose from, there are several mining hardwares that you can select from. 

Here is a list of top five companies known for creating best-in-class hardware of varying configurations:-


Ranking as number one in terms of mining efficiency, its mining rig Antminer S9 is the most used ASIC for Bitcoin mining.

Bitcoin Mining Hardware From Bitmain

Being the largest crypto mining hardware provider for Bitcoin across the globe, Bitmain’s inventory is planned much in advance. This means that if you intend to purchase one, either order much before you want it or be ready for few months delay.

The miners usually cost $1100 on an average and come in varying models with different levels of performance. The performance efficiency usually varies between 8-14 terrahashes per second depending upon the model.


Canaan Creative, popularly known just as Canaan, gains prominence in the crypto mining space for its quality hardware, especially its latest addition AvalonMiner.

Avalon Miner

The performance of its various mining rigs varies between 6.3 terrahashes per second to 9 terrahashes per second. The company usually maintains enough stock which is readily available on order at an average cost of $700.

Canaan models are known for their stable mining capabilities and for producing the only consumer grade miner to use 14nm technology.


This has three points straight in its favour: compact, stable and efficient. 

EBang miner

Usually available in the price range of $ 700 - $ 1100, EBang delivers performance between 6.3 TH/s and 9 TH/s.

Besides, it is the only crypto mining rig in the consumer miner grade that uses 14nm technology.


Bitfury is both a software and hardware solutions provider in the mining industry.

It enables the crypto coins to move through the blockchain in a secured manner through a series of mining rigs, typically not suitable for people looking out for consumer grade products.

On the hardware front, it offers BlockBox, a mobile Bitcoin mining unit and 16nm ASIC chip with an unmatched efficiency of 0.1 J/GH.


GekkoScience is a single port USB miner from a small USA firm with very low hash rates, mainly used from homes to earn about $0.15 per month.


However since usb stick bitcoin miner energy consumption cost is very low, you can still expect making profits mining from it. The good part about it is that it creates no noise and is absolutely silent when used.

Now that you we have eased your choice about a mining rig, start looking out for a suitable crypto mining platform and let the profits pour in.
